Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions of sale

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the ‘GTCU’) is to define the conditions of access and use by any person accessing or attempting to access the https://www.transdevtravel.com/ website.

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The Site’s legal notices are available here. They enable you to identify the Site’s publisher.

Site access

Use of the Site and all or part of its content, information and services (hereinafter together the ‘Services’) is subject to your full, complete and irrevocable acceptance of the GCU, as well as your acceptance of our Special Conditions relating to the protection of personal data (accessible here) and our Special Conditions for the management of cookies.


Drivers of public transport vehicles with more than 9 seats (including the driver), whether laden or unladen, are subject to French and E.E.C. regulations, which set out the provisions applicable to passenger transport, in particular driving and rest times. The main
provisions of decree no. 86.130 of 17 October 1986 and the agreement of 18 April 2002, as well as EC regulation no. 561/2006 of 15 March 2006 applicable to drivers, are listed below.

– Daily driving time: This is set at a maximum of 9 hours, with the possibility of 10 hours twice a week.

– Working hours: working hours (the time between starting work and finishing work) are limited to 12:00. It may be extended to 14:00 provided there is a break of at least 3:00 during the day during which the driver cannot use his vehicle. The authorised range is extended to 18h00 in the case of a double crew.

– Continuous driving time: limited to 4.5 hours without a break during the day and reduced to 4 hours at night (between 9pm and 6am).

– Mandatory driving breaks: a 45-minute break must be taken after a continuous driving period of 4.5 hours; it is possible to split this 45-minute break into an initial break of 15 minutes followed by a second break of 30 minutes spread over the period.

– Daily rest period: 11 consecutive hours between two working days. It is increased to 12 hours in the event of split shifts; in this case, a minimum rest period of 9 hours must be observed.

– Double crew: In addition to the criteria set out above, a second driver is compulsory.

– Highway code: Drivers must comply with the highway code. For their own safety, our customers are asked to scrupulously observe these regulations and to take them into account when organising their trips.

– Trips: each driver may not exceed a maximum of 6 consecutive days’ driving.

The regulations stipulate that the principal (the company management before departure and/or the customer during the trip) is held responsible for any failure to comply with the regulations (Decree no. 92699 of 23 July 1992).



– Transport is not bound by any conditions of sale other than those set out below unless expressly agreed in writing and signed by one of its duly authorised representatives.

– Placing an order in any way whatsoever implies unreserved acceptance of these conditions. In the absence of express acceptance, any condition to the contrary imposed by the purchaser will therefore be unenforceable against the carrier, regardless of when it is brought to the carrier’s attention.

– The invalidity of any of these provisions shall have no effect on the other legal provisions to the contrary. The purchaser undertakes to expressly inform its customers of these clauses and of any changes that may be made to them.


– Commitments made by the carrier’s representatives or orders placed directly with the customer only become final after written acceptance.

– Cancellation conditions: Free of charge 31 days prior to service.
Between 30 days and 7 days before departure: 25% of the transport price will be charged
Between 07 days and 2 days before departure: 50% of the transport price will be charged
Less than two days before departure: 100% of the transport price will be charged
(unless otherwise stipulated in a specific contract)


– Prior to any transport, the purchaser undertakes to expressly inform his own customers of these provisions;

– The carrier’s vehicles are insured for unlimited civil liability in respect of the passengers carried. Insurance covering assistance and repatriation is not included and must be taken out individually. Passengers are responsible for any damage they cause to the vehicle.

– The carrier accepts no liability in the event of fortuitous events or force majeure caused by the company or a third party: disruption to road traffic (diversions, traffic bans, accidents, public demonstrations, etc.), weather conditions that present a danger to road traffic (snow, ice, flooding, landslides, etc.), deterioration in the state of health of the driving personnel (injury, etc.), total or partial strike by the company’s personnel, riots, state of war, requisitioning of vehicles. The carrier undertakes to take all necessary steps to remedy such incidents as quickly as possible.

– Coaches fitted with seat belts: the carrier’s responsibility regarding the wearing of seat belts by the customer is limited to the information or display on board the vehicles. Under no circumstances will the carrier be held responsible for any criminal penalties for not wearing a seatbelt.

– The arrival times shown on the documents give an indication of average times but do not form part of the transport contract. None of these times is guaranteed. The carrier undertakes to use its best endeavours to transport the customer or passengers and their luggage with reasonable diligence.


– Under no circumstances will the carrier be liable for damage, incidents, theft or damage to hand luggage inside the vehicle. In the event of theft or damage to luggage stowed in the hold, the company’s liability is limited to €5,000 per claim for all passengers. Cash and jewellery are excluded.

– At the end of the journey, the customer or passengers must ensure that nothing has been left on the coach. The carrier declines all responsibility in the event of damage to or theft of anything left on the coach or in the hotels during the journey.


– The driver is obliged to give the customer, for signature, the collective transport ticket that complies with the regulations for justification of the services provided (itineraries, timetables, mileage, etc.). The customer must report any incident, anomaly or observation concerning the driver, the vehicle and the service in general. For all intents and purposes, it is forbidden for drivers to be accompanied by a person other than the customers shown on the group ticket.

– The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on board vehicles. The retransmission of musical, cinematographic or televisual works is subject to authorisation and tax for their broadcasting inside public transport vehicles.


– Passengers are entirely responsible for their individual police obligations (visa, national identity card, passport, vaccination). The company is not responsible for the consequences and costs due to delays and incidents resulting from lack of production or difficulties with the police, customs or any other official organisation.

– The company reserves the right for itself or its representative to refuse carriage or to disembark a passenger when, on reasonable grounds, this decision appears necessary for reasons of safety or when the mental or physical behaviour of the passenger is such as to create a nuisance or present a danger to other passengers.

– The Carrier shall not be held liable for any damage suffered by a passenger in connection with the carriage and which is the indirect consequence of a condition, age, or physical or mental state involving risks for the passenger. This shall apply in particular in the event of illness or incapacity suffered by the passenger, or a worsening of his/her condition or death.


In the event of any dispute concerning the application of these general terms and conditions and in the event of any dispute or objection of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with these general terms and conditions, the Commercial Court of the carrier’s registered office shall have sole jurisdiction, even if there are several defendants.