with capital of 1,000,923 euros, whose registered office is located at 3 AV JOSEPH PAXTON – 77164 FERRIERES-EN-BRIE, registered in the Meaux Trade and Companies Register under number 301 272 035.
FR 90 301 272 035
Grégoire Gaussin
CELEONET SAS, simplified joint stock company
with capital of 85,000.00 euros, whose registered office is located at 143 AVENUE LOUIS LUC 94600 CHOISY-LE-ROI registered in the Creteil Trade and Companies Register under number 450 734 744.
PEXELS | Franck DUNOUAU | Alain FOUCHA | Alain PRUDON | Christian MILLET | TRANSDEV | Dominique MILLERET | Disney | Parc Astérix | | FREEPIK | Julien LUTT